


DECEMBER 07 2024
according to your faith let it happen to you. matt 9:29

every when

Luke 21:11 - semeion (σημεῖον) Strongs gG4592 - 2. a sign, prodigy, portent, i.e. an unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature.
a sign, portent, something extraordinary from which omens are drawn.
aka Judas Priest

Rom 11:33 - anexichniastos (ἀνεξιχνίαστος) Strongs g421 - 1. that cannot be searched out, that cannot be comprehended

AUGUST 28 2023
1 Cor 13:12 - enigma (αἴνιγμα) Strongs g135 - 1. an obscure saying, enigma, riddle. 2. an obscure thing

FEBRUARY 19 2023
sob straight thru the substrate

JANUARY 4 2023
(YOUTUBE LIKES THIS) ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i 1.png -i 1.flac -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune stillimage -crf 18 -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 192k -shortest -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart output.mp4

(when deciding what music to listen to) what would I be feeding my heart?

OCTOBER 8 2022
wild animal, bird, reptile, sea creature tamed but not one person can tame the tongue. only other use of this word is in reference to taming/subduing legion

MAY 14 2022
what is my motive?

MARCH 19 2022
show me uniq instrumentz // sed -n '/Program_c/p' Title.csv | awk '{ print $5 }' | sort | uniq

JANUARY 18 2022
rename .rsn to .rar re: SPC filez

"they clearly didn't fit, but they were so good that they transcended not fitting." - Rick Rubin

JULY 5 2021
cat whatever | colrm 2 > OUTPUT (colrm removes columns. 2=2nd column and beyond)

JUNE 2 2021
EARNESTLY endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit.

MAY 27 2021

MAY 21 2021
Reading without meditation is like looking at pieces of a jigsaw puzzle on a table without assembling them.

MARCH 18 2021
are you lonely? an honest, simple answer will do.

JANUARY 20 2021
ffmpeg -i SOUND.wav -ignore_loop 0 -i ANIGIF.gif -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -shortest -strict -2 -c:v libx264 -threads 4 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest OUT.mp4 /// ANIGIF WITHSOUND TO MP4

DECEMBER 02 2020

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -segment_time HH:MM:SS -f segment out%03d.mp4 (trim vids)

strip off old personality like varnish

column -s, -t < TEST.CSV | pv --quiet --line-mode --rate-limit 50 (this slow/fast print to terminal)



AUGUST 21 2020
cat segment1_0_av.ts segment2_0_av.ts segment3_0_av.ts > all.ts
ffmpeg -i all.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy all.mp4 (combine segmented ts files)

OOPS ? 2020
sudo adduser user

RIP Cher True (August 31, 2019)

AUGUST 16 2019
I have examined my ways,
In order to turn my feet back to your reminders.

JULY 03 2019
tub's offerup

JULY 02 2019
almost 3 weeps, broken sleek. IWBNMLY NBAMFY /// FATIHTSBVOHWIPTM

JUNE 28 2019

JUNE 22 2019

JUNE 11 2019

M|420.72|2, 3|324.77|M, T|2,887|L

JUNE 05 2019

MAY 17 2019
ffmpeg -i vid.m4v -vf "pad=width=640:height=740:x=0:y=120:
color=black" out.m4v (add padding)

MAY 16 2019
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest out.mp4 (turn image and sound into video)

MAY 15 2019

MAY 15 2019
from a nasalized form

MAY 14 2019

MAY 13 2019
tr ' ' '\n' < file.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tac (get decremental list of word freq)

MAY 09 2019

MAY 09 2019

MAY 07 2019

and mommy2_345.11

MAY 06 2019
instapy -u USR -p PSW -f FILE OR LINK -t 'COMMENT'

APRIL 27 2019

APRIL 26 2019

APRIL 22 2019

APRIL 12 2019
Mecha- 3 Weeks Amaz Spot Appl Deez Tida YouT...

MARCH 27 2019

MARCH 26 2019

FEBRUARY 11 2019
...by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused

FEBRUARY 10 2019
Bobby, Thank you for spending the day with me!

FEBRUARY 02 2019

FEBRUARY 01 2019
unexpe6kted TC parmesan. Raul's unconfide.

JANUARY 23 2019
make yo nepp snap back

JANUARY 13 2019

JANUARY 08 2019
Cliff Stoll

JANUARY 06 2019

JANUARY 05 2019
Understandably, at times you may wish to be alone.

DECEMBER 31 2018

convert 1.gif 2.gif ... -average z.gif
('18 and it's datum)

DECEMBER 27 2018

DECEMBER 26 pm 2018
Stigler's law of eponymy

DECEMBER 26 am 2018
"...ninety-nine parts of all things that proceed from the intellect are plagiarisms,..." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

DECEMBER 25 2018

DECEMBER 24 2018
alphanumeric(& some punctuation) to hex to wav

DECEMBER 22 2018

DECEMBER 20 2018

while true; do tail -50 data | sort; echo "check time"; ave=$(awk '{s+=$1}END{print"",s/NR}' average); echo "$ave * 12 * 0.81" | bc; sleep 10; done
smoldering discontent
first "df" at bash to find disk, then, sudo dd if=/dev/disk3s1(remove anything after s1) of=~/copy.iso bs=2048 conv=sync,notrunc (clone)(also make sure your shell is bash, not zsh)
rm -rf /dir/ (remove directory mac)
sed 's/find1/replace1/; s/find2/replace2/; etc; etc' file.txt | pbcopy (multiple search replace)
sort camphor.csv | uniq -c | grep -v '^ *1 ' (show me dupes)
echo > file (empty that file)
ave=$(awk '{s+=$1}END{print"",s/NR}' file.file) average of list of #s
sed -r 's/.\{120\}$//' file.file (remove last n(120) characters of EVERY line)
convert forward.gif -reverse backward.gif (rev.gif)
j=$(printf %03d $(expr $j + 1)) [keep trailing 0s, helpful for *.gif to gif.gif]
convert bg.png fg.png -composite merged.png (merge 2 imgs (3or?more))
sox audio.ogg shifted.ogg pitch 99 (+/- int) (pisht)
ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -i aud.ogg -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental merged.mp4 (merge a/v)
cut -c 25- F1 > F2 (rm 1st 25 chars frm ever line)
sed -in(n cuz -i wrd on mac) '/RM_LINES_NOT_IN_FILE/!d' FILE
for z in *.flac; do sox $z -r 44100 -b 16 $z.wav; done (flac to wav)
sed -n -in 's/.*\(http[^"]*\).*/\1/' FILE.TXT (keep links from file)
convert none_5.gif -scale 510x500 bigger.gif (increase size of ani gif imagemagick)
or gifsicle --resize 500x500 1.gif > 2.gif (same with gifsicle)
scp -r chip@ /local/destination/ (SCP FOLDERS (remove -r for indiv. files))

SEPTEMBER 28, 2018

tired of /DROPLET.gif

APRIL 24 2017

APRIL 23 2017
Broken Snoopy face in Field Service. Windy Heart

heavy out of nowhere panic, walks, breathing deep force relax.

MARCH 7-MARCH 24 2017
VERSIONS & youth grind. want to take a break. Wells possible churn. tinnitus cray. 1104 so-long island!

finished almost PG. & just finished 2 Breaths

FEBRUARY 14 2017
PG submit and PH submits. / Chase arrival

FEBRUARY 08-13 2017

FEBRUARY 07 2017
TLOZ: PH / yes on that glow prediction from yesterday

FEBRUARY 06 2017
Crawling through Prediction Vespa and PUs / organized gore / Fear of 28 / Red only applies to organized gore slot. and there will be potential after glow

FEBRUARY 05 2017
Bobby's Cereal Letters / Super Come Back Bowl

FEBRUARY 04 2017
Bu(yretu)rning Goods / No reflection in PP

FEBRUARY 03 2017
Jailbreak Pro / USPS Hell (Hey Fred) / Switch Pre on BBcom / nomeaning.exe

FEBRUARY 02 2017
William Lennon & Co / More submits

FEBRUARY 01 2017
mostly PG submits / Kingdom Enter

JANUARY 31 2017
Solving SF2 befuddles / Rod Modell, Mediterranea {
listening, listening deep,

JANUARY 30 2017
Yesterday, rest & more PG prep

JANUARY 26-29 2017
LA, indian saag/raita/daal laughs with merlot / bar nine spro tire fix / difficult walk of stars apartment / chris liebing lost cap / gogetemtiger spro filt retro fit patties into pannies for frankenstein pigs in a planket omar sara homeward bound / dinner at bestia: blackened kale, spicky pork, bone marrow, mezcal / 290 miles home

JANUARY 25 2017

JANUARY 24 2017
Ultra Febreeze RPButane

JANUARY 23 2017
Tomorrow finding it as singles for mom / Have fun with your startup! / This gave me a really good laugh: "In order to accomplish this, for me it was a matter of thinking big, of having the courage and (a) visionary mindset..." the (a) is mine

JANUARY 22 2017
A lot. C. McB. 2nd place! / New SF Discovery with polyps, now writing the automation script / New Yemen to try at Public Service !Sandal Wood? / Chris Liebing soon on bikes.

JANUARY 21 2017
chase PDF 50 / meeting rush / carmine bridge / smythe / key trouble

JANUARY 20 2017
chase PDF / the giddy / rest / gncu

JANUARY 19 2017

JANUARY 18 2017
http://madeincomputer.com/stats.html / Jackie & Demond Music Company, Well Palm Oil Music Company also.

JANUARY 17 2017
Cache On Em / OUT8.4kWIN8.4kW / CitiWeight / After

JANUARY 16 2017
Michesta Guatemala Yum / Strange sriracha tutorial / El Faldon Sing

JANUARY 15 2017
CITIC / reRE Madre Madre Madre as Separates

JANUARY 14 2017
awkward hall / food / lovecats

JANUARY 13 2017
write dick blick about blick / T&R from dbq fremont streeting it / publicus evening w/ EsPresten / late night stokeage on 2k.044 FM

JANUARY 12 2017
noisy back and demolition anxious TC but 9.6 litres raining in the pool / G & S. Star Fun tennis broom! / tracy's ribeyes! dads monitor with g.

JANUARY 11 2017
🌬️💩 but Joy Division

JANUARY 10 2017
1/3 of January never retrievable / Dinner thoughts (earlier odd trade) / Wondering about my back. reset piano with more open invitationals. H

JANUARY 09 2017
Released Zebith Planet! / Straight jive turkeys dragging their feet / Careless Whisper Progress / Possibly Key bank

JANUARY 08 2017
#CES2017 #halitosis / OGDiscount!! Lovely Lane #TowWow #Kimo / SRSLY for next week (redist. mommy3 already done), but repackage Joy Divisible Meteors and other TODO list bullets.

JANUARY 07 2017
Late to Kingdom but nice looking-building lesson

JANUARY 06 2017
Released Space! / Waiting on these clowns

Released Theme! / titling hiccups but word / greyblue 5:20PM sky foregrounded by moving tree extremities complemented by deep minimal dub techno & ramps, beautiful beautiful beautiful. so indescribably beautiful. respect the grand architect

JANUARY 04 2017
Released Destruction! M0003

JANUARY 03 2017
SM Work / Swim to me let me enfold you / $4.99 Ramp /

JANUARY 02 2017
Battery Cloud / Vesta Disperso Con Filtrado / Miserable VaporWAIT TIME / Seek Strike Kitten

JANUARY 01 2017
13 Hour Bed / Honey Processed CR / PANNIES / Cycling to Saroo / Emotional Exposé With Expected Visitors

DECEMBER 31 2016
Assured expectations day! / Family / Filet O' Fish Rogers for 120 Miles

DECEMBER 30 2016
Japanese (free wow) Car Service / Rest / San Lucas dread & hope / bee's landing! /

DECEMBER 29 2016
Bye Lane / tervalscrypt

DECEMBER 28 2016
46 Acne Suit!

DECEMBER 27 2016
LONG HARD LULz With Tyler @ PublicUs / 2nd to Last Supper

DECEMBER 26 2016
Suiting For Reform / Chris Liebing Preparations / Berkey Handoff & MORE 🙂

DECEMBER 25 2016
Christmas Day Number Crunching

JULY 23 2016
Kill PID 527 East Myrtle & Rest Hard, San HORHAY prep BWO chffr. comma.ai

APRIL 08 2016
Pollen Removal

APRIL 07 2016
Public Grumpism / Drone With Private Aircraft!!!

APRIL 06 2016
Relocate Sleeping Shape

APRIL 05 2016
Public Service

APRIL 04 2016
Chase Russia With October 04 2016 - Ki9999ll PID 500

APRIL 03 2016
Public Assault

APRIL 02 2016
Troy's Discourse / Dinner's Forgotten Drinks / Anthony's Business

APRIL 01 2016
Preparing Money For The IRS

MARCH 31 2016
Bad_Memory_Sector / Pearl Spam Weariness

MARCH 30 2016
You are no longer protected from viruses and other online threats.

MARCH 29 2016
Public Service

MARCH 28 2016
Pearl Spam Work / Correct phonetical results with festival, difficult... time

MARCH 27 2016
Public Service / TOS Violation / Ishtar / REMAKE Skull Regalia!!

MARCH 26 2016
Kingdom Hall / Rodenbach / Night Meal

MARCH 25 2016
$75 Cancellation Department / Pearl Spam Work / SourRoom@totalTotal / 176919250 / Chord / Le Terroir

MARCH 24 2016
Public Water Supply / MNKD Sell

MARCH 23 2016
Pearl Spam Work / 12 Violin Concertos / Observatory / Challenges in pausing, volume, melody (for lyrics), connectedness.

MARCH 22 2016
Public Service / Suspension / GIGANTIC JOY

MARCH 21 2016
Pearl Spam Work